Etude monographique du 0,50F Marianne de Béquet
Sa naissance, sa production, son utilisation postale

Ce site philatélique étudie le timbre 0,50F Marianne de Béquet, depuis sa conception jusqu’à son utilisation postale en passant par les différentes présentations dont il a fait l’objet.

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Introduction to the stamps from booklets
by bernardste
on Thursday 3 November 2016

The stamp 0,50F Marianne de Béquet has been produced in the form of closed, gummed and folded booklets of 10 and 20 stamps, only with metropolitan gum. After having described the process of making up these booklets, we will present the ten types of booklets which were issued. We will show some test booklets done in relation with the stamp 0,50F Marianne de Béquet and two booklets produced for PTTs postal courses. Let us also note that we will present some varieties affecting booklets in the (…)


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