Etude monographique du 0,50F Marianne de Béquet
Sa naissance, sa production, son utilisation postale

Ce site philatélique étudie le timbre 0,50F Marianne de Béquet, depuis sa conception jusqu’à son utilisation postale en passant par les différentes présentations dont il a fait l’objet.

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by bernardste
on Wednesday 2 March 2016

This website is dedicated to only one french stamp: the red 0,50F Marianne de Béquet. It can seem surprising because this stamp only occupies two or three lines in non-specialized catalogs. Nevertheless, as I will try to show, this study led me to a wide spectrum, complex and however fascinating search, that is not likely to end soon.
It should be noted that this stamp was printed during a pivotal period for definitive stamps in France: definitive implementation of two-tiered postal (…)


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