Etude monographique du 0,50F Marianne de Béquet
Sa naissance, sa production, son utilisation postale

Ce site philatélique étudie le timbre 0,50F Marianne de Béquet, depuis sa conception jusqu’à son utilisation postale en passant par les différentes présentations dont il a fait l’objet.

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Introduction In this article, we will show a number of covers with date stamps or slogans allowing to frank stamps and not described in the previous articles. We will also show a number of (…)
Article published on 3 February 2018
A number of administrative departments of the PTTs possess specific postmarks. They include directorates (national, regional, departmental), financial services, phone centres... We may see below (…)
Article published on 3 February 2018
Introduction A mail tax can intervene in two different circumstances: the occurrence of a penalty or the justification for a provided service. Penalties are associated with the following (…)
Article published on 2 February 2018
Introduction I will end this marcophil study by a “Prévert-style” article, as I am going to include in this end of section all the items I was not able to put somewhere else. Most of the time, (…)
Article published on 2 February 2018
Introduction To improve its productivity, the PTTs chose to automate mail sorting in the 1960s. Without getting into technical detail, a sorting machine is made of a set of indexing stations and (…)
Article published on 31 January 2018